British Evacuation of Philadelphia - TravelStorys

British Evacuation of Philadelphia

Sponsored by Camden County Historical Society

  • Location: New Jersey
  • Travel Type: Driving/Walking
  • Tour Duration: 1 hour
  • Language:

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About This Tour
Imagine June of 1778 during the American Revolution. British forces have occupied Philadelphia for nine months, but now they’ve decided to evacuate the city and march to New York. Transporting all of these soldiers and equipment across the Delaware River is an incredible challenge. On the New Jersey side of the river, they face the constant threat of attack from the American rebels.

This mobile audio tour takes you back to that pivotal moment during the Revolutionary War. You’ll follow the path the British took from Cooper’s Ferry (now Camden) to present day Cherry Hill and learn how they traveled and camped during the beginning of this long march. You’ll also learn how this enemy presence affected local farmers and townspeople along the way.

Some of the most significant events portrayed in this tour include:
·     The transport of 9,000 British soldiers — cavalrymen, riflemen, grenadier battalions, and more — and 4,000 horses across the Delaware in just a matter of days
·     The New Jersey legislature’s dramatic acts to support the Continental Army and the Revolution
·     The devastation of Haddonfield wreaked by the occupation of 21,000 British troops
·     The British forces’ famous encounter with George Washington’s troops at the Battle of Monmouth.

Throughout the tour, you’ll be introduced to some of the most significant players in the war, including:
·     The Queen’s Rangers
·     The Hessian Jäger Corps, a hired mercenary army from the Duchy of Hesse in Germany
·     Quakers, Loyalists, and much more!

Tour Sponsor
This tour is brought to you by Camden County Historical Society, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the collection, preservation, study, interpretation, and cultural enrichment of life in Camden County and southern New Jersey.

This mobile audio tour is funded by grants from the National Park Service’s American Battlefield Protection Program and the Camden County Open Space, Farmland, Recreation and Historic Preservation Trust Fund.

Find More Tours Near You
If you are interested in more audio tours about the American Revolution, you’ll enjoy the Battle of Gloucester, Revolution on the Hudson, and Ten Crucial Days. To find more tours in New Jersey — or wherever your travels may take you — visit Every place has a story!

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About This Tour


Crossing the Delaware

