Ten Crucial Days - TravelStorys

Ten Crucial Days

Sponsored by Crossroads of the American Revolution

  • Location: New Jersey
  • Travel Type: Driving
  • Tour Duration: 1.5 hour
  • Language:

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Ten Crucial Days. That is what historians call the period from December 25th, 1776 – when George Washington and his troops crossed the Delaware River – to their victory in Princeton on January 3rd. Crossroads of the American Revolution National Heritage Area’s audio driving tour offers travelers a unique opportunity to step back in time and follow in the footsteps of General George Washington as he launched a series of actions that would turn the tide of the American Revolution.

The 30-mile tour route starts during the darkest days of the war, when a disheartened Continental Army set up camp in Bucks County. The tour then tracks the famous Christmas night crossing of the Delaware River and stunning victory against Hessian forces in Trenton, and continues with the standoff against a larger British force and successful sneak attack on Princeton days later. You will hear soldiers in the field describe the hardship and deprivation they faced as well as their thoughts and fears as the fighting was underway.

The tour is not just about the battles, though. As you travel through these towns, put yourself in the shoes of the 18th century residents here who lived in the line of fire. The lessons of these momentous events continue to have relevance for Americans today.

History will come alive as you visit landmarks such as the Washington Crossing historic parks in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the Trenton Battle Monument, the Old Barracks Museum, and Princeton Battlefield. The tour takes about 90 minutes to drive, but you will want to plan extra time to visit some of these, and other, museums and historic parks you pass along the way.

Visit the Crossroads audio tour page for more information, including a behind the scenes look at our tour program, stories from everyday Revolutionary era neighbors, and more places you can visit to learn why this area earned the reputation of the Crossroads of the American Revolution.

Funding for this tour was provided by the National Park Service, George A. Ohl Jr. Trust, F.M. Kirby Foundation, and Friends of Washington Crossing Park, Pennsylvania through a generous contribution from Visit Bucks County.

Este tour también está disponible en español. Toque el botón para ver ambas versiones del recorrido.

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Tour Excerpts

About This Tour

10. A Second Clash

8. Battle Monument

