FAQ - TravelStorys

Frequently Asked Questions

What opportunities do TravelStorysGPS and its TravelStorys™ mobile and website platforms offer my organization?

TravelStorysGPS offers new and effective ways to communicate with the audiences you want to reach. The TravelStorys™ mobile and web-based platforms reach people anywhere - on the go, hands-free, without cell or data service, and at home. TravelStorys technology offer the most accessible, highest-quality means of inspiring and informing users about the places and programs you want to interpret and promote. Travelers and travel planners in 129 countries use the TravelStorys platforms to explore places to go across the United States.

Importantly, TravelStorysGPS provides you a great team that works closely with you using our storytelling tools to build new and deeper connections between your target audiences and their current and future travel locations. Our experts transform your local stories into well-curated and accessible travel experiences targeted to the audiences you want to reach. And, our detailed user analytics give you the information you need to refine your marketing and grow your visitation.

What type of tours can TravelStorysGPS build for my organization?

TravelStorysGPS builds whatever tours are most useful to you to inform and entertain your users and to increase your audiences. We have eight years of tour-building experience and have built tours for museums, scenic byways, downtowns, waterways, college campuses, trail systems, and more. Our tours feature history, natural history, architecture, scavenger hunts, recreation, local sites and destinations, and more. We build for all modes of travel, including walking, hiking, driving, cycling, paddling tours, even a chairlift tour, all synchronized to your speed of travel.

How will TravelStorysGPS help to promote our mission?

TravelStorysGPS is mission-driven to promote your organization’s brand, accomplishments, and to create new revenue-generating opportunities for you. And, because the platform collectively displays all tours, all tour sponsors promotion brings attention to your tours. TravelStorysGPS shared platforms, marketing and co-marketing, offer great opportunities for you to partner with other tour sponsors, charities, travel bureaus, and businesses to expand your regional network

How is the app marketed?

TravelStorysGPS extensively co-markets tours alongside our tour sponsors. We supply marketing assets for local distribution and actively promote your tour on social media and our website with premium digital marketing campaign options available. We also offer user analytics reporting that gives you valuable information to refine your marketing and your tour.

What kinds of devices are compatible with TravelStorysGPS?

This free app is available for iPhone®, iPad® & Android® devices.

How will a TravelStorys mobile and web-based tour benefit my customers?

In so many ways! Here are just a few:

How is TravelStorysGPS different from other travel audio-guides?

The TravelStorys brand is all about authentic, quality storytelling, and ease of production. We work with organizations to create experiences that attract travelers and inspire them to visit. Our curated, high-quality product, terrific user experience, and happy customers differentiate us.

By interweaving historical stories, natural history with fun facts about what the travel sees, presented on superior, award-winning platforms, TravelStorys satisfies travelers’ curiosity about what is around them and guides travelers on-site like no other platform.

For the virtual traveler, we replicate the onsite experience with images, continuous-streaming and street-view settings links and more. Only TravelStorys offers this range of off-site experiences, and onsite, seamless travel experiences - eyes on the sites, not on the devices – with multiple channels for language translations, kids stories, and specialized-interest tours, customized for travelers' needs.

What if our chosen route doesn’t have continuous cell phone service?

No problem. No cellphone or data service is needed to enjoy the app and all the tours. Simply download the app and your selected tour with cell or internet service, then the tour launches and the audio plays automatically as you approach the story sites.

What places and landscapes create the best tours?

Ideal tours are along routes or at destinations with visually interesting features and great stories to tell. Popular, scenic, heavily traveled routes or destinations, such as downtowns, or simply regional tours with landmarks, are best. Even a seemingly boring drive can be great places to tell regional stories or entice traveler with teasers about turnoffs and nearby destinations. Tours serve any mode of travel such as walking, hiking, boating, cycling, and driving, even featuring one chairlift tour!

For marketing, look for routes with locations where visitors often stop, such as trailheads, visitors center, rental car agencies, entrance gates, train and bus stations, etc. For local interest, consider local venues such as coffee shops for marketing.

Whatever the route - whether a highway, scenic byway, or back roads, bike path, or destination - TravelStorysGPS works with you to bring your stories to life.

How can we build a tour?

Easily. Our team of experts who will guide you through tour-building and work with you to build a great tour.

TravelStorysGPS offers three tour-building packages: Full Production (TravelStorys develops and builds the tour), Shared Production (tour-building responsibilities are shared between the tour sponsor and TravelStorysGPS), and Conversion (TravelStorysGPS converts audio from a different platform - CD, cassette, web or mobile-based - to the TravelStorys mobile platform).

You choose whether you want to play a central role (Shared Production), let us build the tour for you (Full Production) or simply give us pre-produced content to feature on the TravelStorys app (Conversion Production).

Shared Production is our most popular package because it is modestly priced, and involves tour sponsors in story development - afterall they are the local experts - and leaves the complex production and technology details to the TravelStorysGPS team.

The key to tour success is the availability of great content (documented facts and stories about the region) or the resources to gather that content, and a project coordinator responsible for working closely with the TravelStorysGPS production team. Whatever package you choose, TravelStorysGPS follows a proven, tour-building process clearly outlined for you and supports you every step of the way. Working with TSG is a true partnership requiring a commitment of time with our team of experts ensuring that your stories are well curated and engaging for your target audiences. So the investment of time pays off with a consistently quality product.

Once your new route is featured in the TravelStorys platform, TravelStorysGPS supplies technical support, upgrades, analytics reporting and much more as part of our modest annual subscription program.

Has the pandemic changed the value of TravelStorys tours?

Absolutely. During Covid, TravelStorys tours are more useful than ever because they are built remotely, and can be enjoyed remotely or for socially distanced onsite travel. With 97% of all travel by car, offering a safe, helpful way to access information about your location or route is more important than ever. TravelStorys tours can be built and appreciated remotely, and they create a new socially distanced experience for travelers when they do return. With travel limited now, offering virtual travelers a rich virtual travel experience is precisely what TravelStorys tours can do. Its remote-access features create the full onsite tour experience from the comfort of one’s home. The app’s continuous play podcast presents the perfect experience for multitasking while hearing about future travel destinations, and the street view feature visually walks users through the sites they wish to visit.

Of great value are the economic benefits of TravelStorys tours offer because TravelStorys technology is safe and useful especially now, during the pandemic. Our tours inspire travelers to visit new places. The TravelStorys app even has features that give visitors incentives to stop and shop (with discounts) and to find and explore little-known venues. Local retail vendors can advertise at strategic locations on your tour to attract travelers and to generate revenue for your organization and theirs.

Can we add other useful visitor information?

Yes, your TravelStorys tour offers much more than audio tours. Its attractive maps can display commercial venues, nearby trails or interesting destinations not yet on the tour, parking areas, advertising, and more.

How do we keep content fresh and interesting?

TravelStorysGPS team is always available to update your tour; this is just one of the benefits of your subscription. Our new TravelStorys Publisher™ software makes it very easy to change up our content for seasonal changes, alerts for pandemic closings (and reopenings!), and new advertising.

If you want to add new features such as a language translation or sound effects or e-coupons for revenue generation, the team is happy to enhance your tour’s user experience with these and other features.

What are the benefits of a shared platform for our tours vs a separate app or adding TravelStorys technology to an existing app?

We offer all three options. The advantage to the TravelStorys shared platform is one-stop shopping. Users can download one app and experience all the TravelStorys tours. This is great for marketing because your tour benefits from the marketing of nearby tours.

If you would like your own app, we can build it. Or, if you already have an app and just want to add TravelStorys features to it, we can do that, too.

How do I know if the TravelStorys app is right for our needs?

Judge for yourself. Please talk to our tour sponsors, take our tours on this website or on your phone, and give us a call. We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions!